The Centre weekly drop-in class – Fridays 10.00 – 11.15am
With Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Luma
Venue: Kalpa Bhadra Buddhist Centre, 24 Rugby St, Merivale, Christchurch
There is plenty of parking on the street but please do not park on the neighbours driveways.
Each class consists of a guided meditation and a talk based on Buddhist wisdom.
Classes are suitable for everyone. Come along any week, booking is not required.
Class fee: $14 ($12 unwaged). Members free. We do not have eftpos so can accept either cash or bank transfer.
Everybody is welcome
Class Topics
Reinvent Yourself: How meditation changes everything – begins week of 27 January (5 weeks)
We all wish to change and aspire to be a better person, more peaceful, kinder, confident, happier and more loving. In this course we will learn the basics of meditation and discover that positive change, and even profound change, is in our very nature and that we can absolutely direct ourselves towards becoming the person we wish to be.
The science of happiness: Understanding the Mind – begins week 3 March (4 weeks)
We can completely change our experience of life by learning how our mind works and using meditation to guide it in a positive direction.
Letting Go Moving On – begins week 31 March (5 weeks)
Explore Buddha’s wisdom to let go of the emotional burden of the past and move forward to the peaceful, happy, and fulfilling future we want.
What to expect at a class
These classes are based on Buddha’s teachings on the mind, but you do not need to be a Buddhist to attend, or to benefit from them.
Each class consists of two guided meditations and an explanatory talk. The classes run for 75 minutes.
Anyone can practice meditation and everyone is welcome to attend. There is no physical exercise involved and you can choose to sit either in a chair or on a cushion.
These classes are suitable for all levels of experience.